I turn 41 next month, still a youngster I know, but I’ve been noticing recently signs that I’m getting older…..
Thinking about the good old days, and the older I get the more good old days there are to look back on. Trying to remember where I left things and I find myself walking in the tool shed and trying to remember what I went in there for. People now tell me I’m young-looking rather than telling me I’m young. I’m finding conversations with friends usually turn into a bout of “ailment duelling”.
Watching antiques programmes and seeing items on there I had when I was a child. My ideal night is a comfy armchair, TV remote at my fingertips, the kettle boiling gently in the background ready for a lovely cup of tea, a nice piece of cake and my comfy old slippers.
I’m starting to groan when I get in and out of a chair and when I get up from having done some weeding. And have you ever bumped into someone and can’t remember their name so you have to employ the greeting “Hello stranger” – yes that happened the other day.
Still, they say life begins at 40 so I’m looking on the bright side – my glass is always half-full. Oh yes, I have many years yet before my teeth are floating in it.